Monday, February 22, 2010

Chump Car and so it begins

Well this is our inaugural post.

It all started when Harry, Bob and I were fortunate enough to participate in the first ever ChumpCar race at Portland International Raceway on All Hallows Eve 2009 with the Autosport Labs guys. After being a huge fan and user (and abuser) of their Megajolt Lite Crankfire Ignition controller we were invited to come and participate in their "Lab Rat"...oh the horror

We had a great time...learned a lot and decided to apply our skills in building and racing '02's. We took our team and combined with the guys from and formed the Giant Killer Chump Car team.

It just so happened that we had in our possession:

1. Sort of rust free shell which a member of the 2002 FAQ board was giving away for free. After thinking that a "rust free" shell is worth going to the expense and hassle of shipping to the Great White North the shell was damaged in transport and the shipping company decided not to charge us...I guess limited liability kicks in here...good thing it wasn't a rare Ferrari or early 356 shell.

2. A well known local car which had deteriorated to the point where the car was unsafe to run on the road due to rot. That being said it had lots of good parts and was mechanically sound. The owner gave it away when it was in danger of being towed by the city.

Over beer and pizza one night about 4 weeks ago the plan was hatched. Take the shell add all mechanical from the rotten car....then I got the idea....lets add and M20 from a late 80's BMW 325. Done.